Measuring the Impact of SEOPressor for WordPress on Search Engine Rankings

By Published On: January 24th, 2012

What is the impact of SEOPressor for WordPress – the SEO plugin – on search engine rankings?

We’ve been hearing about SEOPressor for WordPress for quite a while now and today we finally took the plunge and decided to try it out. For under a hundred bucks (for developers), it seemed worth the gamble. Most online reviews of the WordPress plugin are overwhelmingly positive, but then again each reviewer is an affiliate.

[In the interest of full disclosure, we’ve signed up as a affiliate as well. It takes about 30 seconds, so we thought we’d try that out as well.]

Measuring the impact of SEOPressor for WordPress

The plugin is incredibly easy to use and appears to be very powerful. We were able to optimize existing posts for a single keyword phrase using SEOPressor’s suggestions in less than 5 minutes.

For the record, SEOPressor for WordPress recommends adding “no-follow” attributes to all external links. For this test, we did not do this. It can be time-consuming and as an advocate for an SEO-friendly Internet I just don’t like to do it.

SEOPressor for WordPress uses an easy to decipher scoring mechanisms to help you determine how optimized the particular post or page is. What they’re measuring exactly is likely a trade secret, but we’ll trust that they know what theyre doing.

Time to start measuring the impact of SEOPressor for WordPress

Measuring the impact of SEOPressor for WordPress on a NEW post:

For the sake of simplicity, we’re going to use this post to measure the impact on a new post. We chose the keyword phrase “impact of SEOPressor”.

Obviously this post does not rank today, so we’ll check the search engine rankings again in a week and then again in a month and report the findings here.

Date originally published: 1/24/2012

SEOPressor Score: 83.33%

Keyword Density: 1.84%

[message type=”erroneous”]OK. Change of plan. Who knew that the keyword phrase “impact of SEOPressor” had NEVER been used in the English language. After a mere one hour, this site ranked #1, #2 AND #3 on Google searches. While this may certainly be evidence that SEOPressor for WordPress works extremely well for highly niche keywords, we’d like to make the test a bit more difficult.[/message]

Revised test data: We will now optimize this post for the phrase “SEOPressor for WordPress”

Date originally published: 1/24/2012

SEOPressor Score: 85.56%

Keyword Density: 1.44%

Current Search Engine Rankings as of 1/24: Google – not in top 100 | Bing – not in top 100

As of 2/5: Google – 4 | Bing – 19

Impact of SEOPressor on Search Engine Rankings: NOT BAD SO FAR

Measuring the impact of SEOPressor for WordPress on old posts that are newly optimized using the plugin:

We chose to measure multiple posts so as to get a decent cross section.

Post: The Danny Venz State Farm Insurance Ripoff Report Story

Keyword Phrase: Danny Venz

Date originally published: 1/22/2012

SEOPressor Score: 84.44%

Keyword Density: 1.03%

Current Search Engine Rankings as of 1/24: Google – 6 | Bing – Not in top 100

As of 2/5: Google – 7 | Bing – 12

Impact of SEOPressor on Search Engine Rankings: NOT IMPRESSED

Post: Top 10 WordPress Plugins For Website Designers

Keyword Phrase: WordPress Plugins for website designers

Date originally published: 1/17/2012

SEOPressor Score: 77.78%

Keyword Density: .52% (Intentionally low as part of the experiment)

Current Search Engine Rankings as of 1/24: Google – 6 | Bing – 5

As of 2/5: Google – 6 | Bing – 3

Impact of SEOPressor on Search Engine Rankings: NOT IMPRESSED

Post: Launching a new website? Start with some free backlinks.

Keyword Phrase: new website

Date originally published: 5/26/2010

SEOPressor Score: 81.11%

Keyword Density: 1.99%

Current Search Engine Rankings as of 1/24: Google – not in top 100 | Bing – not in top 100

As of 2/5: Google – not in top 100 | Bing – not in top 100

Impact of SEOPressor on Search Engine Rankings: MAY BE TOO COMPETITIVE TO MEASURE AT THIS TIME

Post: Reputation Management and Managing Online Reviews

Keyword Phrase: managing online reviews

Date originally published: 3/30/2011

SEOPressor Score: 84.44%

Keyword Density: .93%

Current Search Engine Rankings as of 1/24: Google – 7 | Bing – not in top 100

As of 2/5: Google – 7 | Bing – 9


SUMMARY SO FAR:  If you already know the basics of writing good SEO-friendly content, then this plugin may simply serve as a safety net for you.  If you have no idea what makes content SEO-friendly, then this plugin may be a great teaching tool for you to use.

To be continued….


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Written by : Paul J. Dumas

Paul Dumas is the founder, owner and head geek @ The Optimized Marketing Group. The Internet marketing company specializes in website design, local search optimization, reputation management and social media consulting for small businesses, non-profits and municipalities throughout North Texas.

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